Winter Skin Care Tips

Winter skin care few tips – Care your skin very easily - Home remedies is the best way to prevent winter dry skin problem

In winter most of the people (both male and female) face the problem for dry skin. In this season the moisture in the skin goes down, for this reason our skin becomes dry. So we have to take of it and this problem can be treated with moisturizers. There are so many natural ingredients (moisturizers) are in the home, such as honey milk, glycerin etc. We can use these ingredients directly for our dry skin to treat the problem in the winter. In this season dry skin arise some skin irritation and other problem also. Everyone should take proper action for dry skin in winter as soon as possible.
Winter Skin

Winter Skin Care Few Tips:

  1. Apply a small amount of petroleum jelly on the face, hands, legs and lips also.
  2. Try avoiding hot water bath as the hot water effect our skin to takes out the moisture in the skin, so our skin becomes dry and also avoiding long baths in this winter season.
  3. Be careful to take the proper diet everyday in the winter. Try to add any fruit or fruit juice everyday if possible.
  4. One of the major problems in this season that is our chapped lips. So apply the jelly to the chapped lips. Also may be using some lip scrubs for the lip care in the winter.
  5. In this winter season another major problem is dry skin. So everyday must be using some natural moisturizer lotion.
  6. Try to avoid all types’ beauty and hair styling products too much in winter season.
  7. In this season everyone should cover the most of the body with the winter care clothes and do not expose the skin to the cold air.
  8. Use the natural moisturizers such as olive oils, glycerin, butter etc in winter. Do not use any chemical moisturizers.
  9. Add some daily food in your diet like Vitamin A & E.
  10. Try to take fruit juices and drink more and more plain water daily.

Home remedies are the best way to treat the winter dry skin:

  1. Make a mixture with ripe banana and papaya mesh. Apply this paste all over the dry skin and get the result instant in a few days. This is one of the best easy remedy to care for dry skin.
  2. Make a fine paste by avocado and apply this paste on the dry skin including face. Leave it for 15 minutes as it has Vitamin E contains for helps the skin better. If the skin is drier then add 1 tbsp honey in it and apply. Honey also helps the skin moisturize.
  3. Make a solution with 2 tbsp olive oil and water and apply massage to the fully body to prevents the winter dry skin.
  4. Make a paste with 1 tbsp of honey and 1 tbsp of orange peel powder and apply this paste on the dry skin (hands, legs, etc). Leave it for 15 minutes. Wash it off with the plain water to get better result.
  5. Make a lotion with 1 tbsp of lemon juice, 1 tbsp of glycerin and 1 tbsp of rose water. Mixing well and apply this solution before going to bed at night. This solution helps to care skin magically and moisturize within a very short period.
  6. Make another paste with 2 tbsp each of almond oil and milk powder and mix them well. Apply this paste on the affected area and leave it for 20 minutes. The almond oil has contains Vitamin E and milk powder helps to moisturize the skin.

Hair Dandruff

There’s no hair condition as uncomfortable as dandruff. Sometimes the solution can lie in the last place that we had expected – our kitchen! Here are so many things from our kitchen that can get rid of those irritating flakes:

So look at below to correct and remove your dandruff problem for ever and also help people to correct and remove their dandruff problem.
Dandruff Free Hair

1. Curd (dahi): This ingredient has acidic and conditioning properties which help fight dandruff. You can also make this ingredient at your home.

A small amount of curd applies on your scalp for two days and keeps it for an hour. Wash it off with a mild shampoo. Do this process at least twice a week about 2 months. After remove your dandruff  then use this process in a regular interval.

2. Henna (Mehndi): Regular mehndi application (twice in a month) helps to decreasing dandruff. This application also covers our hair conditioning properties.

Make a mixture with amla, henna, tea powder, lemon juice in curd. Add a few drops of hair oil and keep them aside for 12 hours. This mixture can be apply on our hair and leave it for an hour and wash it off with some mild herbal shampoo. Try to ready this mixture before going to bed at night and use this mixture next morning to get good result.

3. Aloe Vera Leaf: Gel of this leaf has contains healing, anti-fungal and bacterial properties. This gel (Aloe vera) help us in various way to cure so many problems. This gel / juice can be eaten also to cure lever problem.

4. Gram Flour (besan):  This ingredient is also an effective for cleansing agent. It removes the dirt and also help to remove dandruff.
Apply this powder mixed with curd on your scalp. Wash it off after 30 minutes.
Dandruff Free Hair

5. Fenugreek (methi): This ingredient we can find easily in our kitchen. It has also scalp soothing and anti-fungal properties.

soak fenugreek seeds overnight in water and make a fine paste by grinding and then apply this paste on the scalp for 30 to 40 minutes. After that wash it off with a mild herbal shampoo.

6. Neem Leaves: This leaves has their own anti-fungal, antiseptic, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties are highly effective for controlling or remove dandruff.

Boil neem leaves in water and use this boiled water to rinse hair after each time shampooing.

7. An apple has also anti-dandruff, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Make a paste with equal quantities of orange and apple and then apply this paste on the scalp. Keep as it is for 30 minutes. Wash it off with a mild herbal shampoo.

8. Fresh Lime Juice: This juice is very useful in summer drink. Make a mixture with equal quantities of lemon juice and plain water and then apply on the scalp. Leave it for 15 – 20 minutes only and then wash it off with a mild shampoo. Or after shampooing take a mug of water and 1 tbsp lemon juice in it and last rinse when you wash your hair. This process also helps to remove hair dandruff.

9. Basil leaves (Tulsi): This leaves has also healing properties. Make a paste fine paste of amla powder and tulsi leaves with water. Use this paste on the scalp very gently by light massage. Let it remain about ½ an hour. Then wash your hair with water.

10. Ginger Root: This item is also has a very salient features do wonders for our hair!!

Note: Every one (Male or Female) should always remember that each and every time after shampooing must be used conditioner. This conditioner may be home based or ready made conditioner.

Home Spa / Skin

Arrange To Create Your Own Spa At Home
Beautiful Skin Touch

Create your own treat zone in the comfort of your own home. We already have all the ingredients which we need!

Use natural ingredients from our own kitchen to create a home spa.

Facial Treatments

How to manager chemical free facial?
Everything we need that can be found in our kitchen. Use all these natural ingredients to create the facial to solve our skin problems.


To moisturise gently over your face with spread whole-egg mayonnaise and leave it on for about 15 - 20 minutes. Wash clean and with cool water. You can feel your face so clean and smooth.


Slap lightly on mild yellow mustard for a facial that will soothe and stimulate your skin. If your skin very sensitive then try to avoid this step.

Skin Image

Here’s a nice way to dislodge unsightly blackheads. Mix one teaspoon of Epsom (Magnesium Sulphate) salt and four drops of iodine into ¾ cup of boiling water. When the mixture is lukewarm, then apply to the problem areas using with cotton ball.  Repeat three to four times, this solution may be reheated if necessary. Carefully and very gently remove the blackheads and then apply the area with an alcohol-based astringent.


Teabags are one of the oldest ideas to revitalize eyes.  Soak two tea bags in warm water and place them over closed eyes for 20 minutes. This process act to reduce puffiness and soothe tired eyes. This process is usually used for years to relive tired and puffy eyes.
Soften Skin

Should you dislike the smell of upper body rub, butter can be used as an excellent alternative to achieve soft feet. Simply massage your feet with butter, wrap in a damp, hot towel, sit back and relax for about 10minutes. You can see your feet will feel revitalized and smell a bit like popcorn too!

Attractive Female Foot

You can make your hands look as nice as your feet with the following ingredients that you can found around the house.

Condition Cuticles

Pamper your nails without the help of a cosmetic treatment of the hands and fingernails. Add ½ lemon juice with one cup of warm water and soak your fingertips in the mixture for five minutes. After pushing back cuticles, rub with some lemon peel back and over the nails to achieve a white and fresh look.

Protect Your Skin

Petroleum jelly is an excellent barrier to keep any polish off your skin. Take a small amount and rub your nails before going beds applying the polish. This will also moisturize your fingers.

Shine Nail

To add some vigor to fingernails, push them into a bowl of mayo or vinegar for about five minutes. Wash thoroughly with warm water and then buff your nails to bring out their shine.

Skin treatments

Last but not least, healthy looking skin is one of the best benefits of your spa day.

Clean and Exfoliate

Lemons are a wonderfully cleansing for the skin. Squeeze several lemons until you have a good amount of fresh lemon juice. Apply to problem areas and dry spots such as elbows. Let it soak into the skin, rinse and then dry. You'll notice your skin looks  bright and fresh.


Aloe vera is an excellent skin treatment for everything from simple dry skin to minor burns and even psoriasis. For rejuvinated looking skin, simply purchase an aloe plant, cut a couple of leaves lengthwise and remove the inner gel using your fingers. Apply the aloe vera to the problem skin, letting it soak in and soothe.


Blend honey and yogourt together to create a natural bleach that can lighten age spots. Mix one teaspoon of plain yogourt with one teaspoon of honey. Apply, let dry for 30 minutes, then rinse. This is most effective when done several days in a row.

Marilyn's Secret

Petroleum jelly can be used as an excellent moisturizer after cleansing your face. Rumored to be Marilyn Monroe’s secret to beautiful skin, petroleum jelly has been used for many years as an inexpensive and very effective moisturizer.

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